NSR Kanga Cup are proud to announce the continuation of its partnership with Sports Centre for the 2016 edition of the Southern Hemisphere’s largest Youth football competition. Sports Centre are a proud long-term partner of the competition and have been an integral part of the tournament as it has continued to grow exponentially year on year.
“It’s fantastic to have Sports Centre back on board for another year at the NSR Kanga Cup,” Tournament Director Michael Kelly commented. “We have a long and distinguished partnership with the company and their range of products suits the needs of our growing customer base that attend the competition. Sports Centre provide some high quality official tournament merchandise and we are proud to be associated with them.”
Sports Centre will bring a vibrant and exciting range of football merchandise to suit all ages at the NSR Kanga Cup in July with three pop-up stalls at major venues, including Lynehams,Football Central, throughout NSR Kanga Cup week. Whilst tournament attendees can purchase at these stalls Sports Centre recommend a pre-order as the best means of purchase as it allows customers the chance to pick up their merchandise on the night of the Opening Ceremony. Don’t risk the chance that in a day or two your favorite item will no longer be available!
If you are concerned about ordering the wrong size, don’t be! You will be able to swap it at the event if it doesn’t fit. Check out official merchandise page https://kangacup.com/shop and click on the link to access Sports Centres online store and chose your selected items.
There will once again be a vast selection of merchandise, but this year the NSR Kanga Cup will also boast new and exciting products that will surely catch your eye like the choice of two new fully Hoodies! Sports Centre will also have exciting new look, Beanies, Polos and Tees and don’t forget the club and individual pennants. These pennants are great for pre-match ceremonies and an ideal gift to each participating member of your team.
The 2016 Backpacks and Sports Bags are emblazoned with the new NSR Kanga Cup logo and are totally unique to the event. Also don’t forget to customize your merchandise by having your name included on your items. Like our both the Kanga Cup and Sportscentre Facebook pages and reap the benefits.
Don’t hesitate, get in early and pre-order to avoid missing out on your preferred items.
NSR Kanga Cup and Sports Centre together making your week a memorable one!