As part of their Naming Rights Partnership at the 2023 KEEPUP Kanga Cup, KEEPUP will broadcast LIVE coverage of the following FOUR KEEPUP Kanga Cup Finals from Southwell Park in Lyneham on Friday afternoon.
KO | Age Group | Playing timeĀ | Half Interval time | Duration of extra time |
8.30am | U14 Female Cup | 2×35 mins | 5 mins | 10 mins each way (no interval) |
10.05am | U16 Female Cup | 2×35 mins | 5 mins | 10 mins each way (no interval) |
11.40am | U16 Open Cup | 2×35 mins | 5 mins | 10 mins each way (no interval) |
1.15pm | U18 Open Cup | 2×35 mins | 5 mins | 10 mins each way (no interval) |
Tune in to see some of the potential stars of tomorrow showcasing their talents LIVE from the KEEPUP Kanga Cup.
You can watch all the action live here
Please note the age groups above are the ONLY matches that will be broadcast live on Friday afternoon.