As part of proceedings, KEEPUP Kanga Cup is encouraging all teams and players to participate in the Official Individual and Team Photography process.
Registration is now open for those interested in our professional team photography service! When you register, Sports In Focus will capture your team’s individual and group photo. Each registered team will be given 10-15 minute photo time scheduled around the game fixtures. An online store will also be set up so players/parents can order a printed copy of the photos.
To add to the excitement of your team’s participation in this remarkable event, Sports in Focus are running a Special VIP Package Competition exclusively for early bird registrants.
Sign up your team by Friday, June 30th, before midnight, and you will earn an entry for a chance to have Sports In Focus provide full Action Photography coverage of one of your games!
Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to capture memories that will last a lifetime. Register your team today to secure your spot and increase your chances of winning the VIP Package Competition.
Team Registration Page