Local Referee Coach

REgistrations open 1 april, 2025

Help coach the next generation of local referees!

Referees and Game Leaders officiating during the Tournament are supported by a network of Referee Coaches from Australia and overseas.

Being a Referee Coach at the Kanga Cup is an important development opportunity as a Referee. You do not need to have a Referee Assessor qualification to be a Local Referee Coach at the Tournament.

As a Local Referee Coach, we do not expect you to be available every day during the tournament, but we (and the Referees) will be most appreciative for any time you are able to provide during the Tournament.

Who can register?

Qualified Referee Coaches or experienced Referees aged 18+ from across Australia who have not been selected to participate in the KCRYA as a Referee Coach can register to be a Local Referee Coach.

To register as a Local Referee Coach for the Kanga Cup, please complete the Local Referee Registration Form.