Empoli Football Academy have travelled as a team to Canberra to compete in the Kanga Cup for the very first time!
The Sydney based academy was launched in 2021 with the objective of coaching and scouting Australian talent using the Empoli FC coaching methods. The academy aims to share their elite training programs that stem from the traditional Italian technical skills and tactics. They hope to provide their players with the best opportunities to support young footballers achieve their dreams.
The Empoli Academy have brought one team with them this year to join in on the Kanga Cup fun! Their team, supported by their coach and technical director, Bessi Canaj, are competing in the under 9’s Open Plate pool.
“This is the first time that we have joined in on the competition, we have only brought this team this year to have a look. We really love it! It’s awesome, there is a lot of teams involved. Next year we will probably bring more teams.” Shared Canaj. “We are not here to win, it’s the first time we’ve been in this type of competition, so we are just here for the kids to experience it. It’s fun, far from home and their comfort zone so it’s a whole new experience for us.”
From a coach’s perspective, Canaj has highlighted that one of the prominent objectives of their involvement in the competition this year is to enjoy the new experience. Being an academy team means that this is the first time that a lot of these kids are only playing together for the very first time!
“For us the main thing is for the kids to enjoy the competition, to have fun and to stick together. The majority of them don’t play together, they’ve just met this competition. They don’t all play together in Sydney because we are an academy.” Canaj said.
Bessi Canaj also believes that the tournament fosters a positive environment for the children to be involved in. Stepping away from the ‘winning is everything’ mindset allows for the players to be able to more focussed on the overall development of their game and abilities.
“I think they are enjoying it!” He said. “It’s a good competition, a lot of teams, good variety. There is no hunger from any parent or kids to just be here to win because at this age it doesn’t matter. It’s about developing so it’s a good step.”
When it comes to advice, Canaj encourages his team to continuously pour their best efforts into each and every match. All that matters to their coach is that they do the very best that they can, the outcome at such a young age is not important.
“The only important thing for us is effort.” Canaj emphasised. “When they put 100% of themselves out there, there is no regrets. As long as they don’t have regrets, that is all that matters. They put whatever they have got onto the field, patience, effort, running, they come off sweating and that is all that matters.”
Following their positive experience at this year’s tournament, it is likely that the competition will continue to see more and more of the Empoli Academy’s teams each year. The Kanga Cup is looking forward to seeing what some of the other Empoli teams have to offer in the years to come!
Words: Kate Reedy